Click on an image and it will
take you to that Character's profile.

Name - Cloud Strife
Age - 21
Date of Birth - August 19th
Height - 5' 7"
Blood Type - AB
Hometown - Nibelheim
Weapon - Buster Sword
Limits - Level 1 - Braver, Cross-slash. Level 2
- Blade Beam, Climhazzard. Level 3 - Meteor Rain, Finishing
Touch. Level 4 - OMNISLASH.
Cloud is a rather selfish, confused and secretive young man with an
unusual hair style. His past is vague and full of secrets, he himself
doesn't know much about it.
He grew up with Tifa in Nibelheim, but Cloud left while still very
young to join Shinra's elite army; SOLDIER. They meet again at Midgar,
many years later,
and Tifa convinces Cloud to join Barret's group, AVALANCHE, (a rebelling
terrorist group) for money of course...
But after a successful mission to destroy a Shinra Reactor, his mission
quickly becomes much deeper. It's not just blowing up the Mako draining
Reactors, but saving the world, and not only from a corrupt company
named Shinra, but also a mysterious ex-SOLDIER, Sephiroth...
Cloud, being the main character in the game, is always in your
party for 90% of the game.
He is a strong fighter with a massive sword that can cut through
almost anything.
His Limits are extremely powerful and Omnislash is really worth

Name - Barret Wallace
Age - 35
Date of Birth - December 15th
Height - 6'4"
Blood Type - O
Job - AVALANCHE Leader
Hometown - Corel
Weapon - Gun Arm
Limits - Level 1 - Big Shot, Mind Blow. Level 2
- Grenade Bomb, Hammerblow. Level 3 - Satellite Beam, Ungermax.
Barret is a short-tempered guy with a gun for a right arm, and is
determined to stop Shinra at all costs.
After his Hometown is destroyed by Shinra, who killed his wife and
best friend, Dyne, him and Marlene, (Dyne's daughter) manage to escape,
but Barret cannot live with himself and seeks vengeance.
And so AVALANCHE was born, the terrorist group fighting against Shinra
in the depths of Midgar, he works alongside Tifa, Jessie, Biggs, Wedge
and Cloud to stop Shinra by any means necessary.
This involves bombing 'Reactors', the energy, (Mako) factories that
are sucking the life from the planet, Barret believes this is the
only way to stop Shinra.
Barret, Tifa and Marlene also run a bar called 7th Heaven in Sector
7, which is the Head Quarters of their missions. Barret follows his
path no matter what, but is torn between Marlene, who he loves as
he would his own daughter, and his revenge on Shinra.
Barret is a Long Ranged fighter, but his Gun Arm attacks are still
deadly. His Limits are very explosive, however not incredibly powerful.

Name - Tifa Lockhart
Age - 20
Date of Birth - May 3rd
Height - 5'4"
Blood Type - B
Job - Bar Owner
Hometown - Nibelheim
Weapon - Gloves
Limits - Level 1 - Beat Rush, Somersault. Level 2
- Water Kick, Meteodrive. Level 3 - Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike.
Although she may appear sweet and kind, she is very passionate and
hides a deadly power in her fists!
Having shared her childhood with Cloud, she has many feelings about
him, but she can never put them into words.
Things get even harder for her when Aeris joins the group, despite
them both becoming good friends.
Tifa runs the Seventh Heaven bar in sector 7, the secret HQ of AVALANCHE,
it was near here that she found Cloud and persauded him to join their
group. She was overjoyed to meet him since their parting many years
ago, but Cloud was quite ill and seemed to have some unusual memories,
so she helped him recover till he was ready for his first mission...
Although Tifa's HP is very low at times, she makes up for it with
her punching attacks. Her Limits involve many devastating
backdrops, kicks and punches, ideal for killing off lots of enemies,
or dealing lots of damage to a single enemy. |

Name - Aeris Gainsborough
Age - 22
Date of Birth - February 7th
Height - 5'3"
Blood Type - O
Job - Sells Flowers
Hometown - Icicle Inn
Weapon - Staff
Limits - Level 1 - Healing Wind, Seal Evil. Level
2 - Breath of the Earth, Fury Brand. Level 3 - Planet Protector,
Pulse of Life. Level 4 - GREAT GOSPEL.
A young girl from the slums, Aeris sells flowers to passers by. Pretty
and pure of heart, Aeris is experienced at healing.
Aeris first joins the group when Cloud falls through the ceiling of
a church in Sector 5, but they first met after the bombing of Reactor
It's obvious at first sight the Cloud and Aeris are perfect for each
other, but this causes a tricky love triangle between Cloud, Tifa
and Aeris.
However, to put a stop to Sephiroth, Aeris must use her powers to
fulfill her destiny, but that's when everything falls apart...
Aeris is best used at the back row in a battle, as although her attacks
are weak, her magic skills still work wonders.
Her Limits mostly involve healing your party, yep, no offensive Limits,
but she's still an invaluable party member.
Aeris' name was translated from the Japanese version of the game as
Aeris, however the true translation of her name is Aerith. It is believed
the Squaresoft changed her name to Aeris to make it easier to pronounce. |

Name - Red XIII (A.K.A Nanaki)
Age - 16
Date of Birth - Unknown
Height - 3'9"
Blood Type - Unkown
Job - None
Hometown - Cosmo Canyon
Weapon - Headdress
Limits - Level 1 - Sled Fang, Lunatic High. Level
2 - Blood Fang, Stardust Ray. Level 3 - Howling Moon, Earth
Rave. Level 4 - COSMO MEMORY.
Red XIII joins the group after Cloud rescues him from the Shinra scientist,
He's powerful, very intelligent, shockingly young, and tends to make
sarcastic comments.
Red's past is unknown, with little information given about him, although
his real name is Nanaki, and he has a very wise grandfather called
Red was born and brought up in Cosmo Canyon and respects his mother
dearly, but he feels anger when he remembers his father who fled like
a coward when the canyon was in danger, leaving Red's mother to die...
But when Red returns to the canyon is his version of the story really
Red is a fierce warrior in battle, leaping at opponents and eliminating
them instantly, he's also fairly adept with magic.
His Limits deal tons of damage and some can give positive status effects
to help out the party. |

Name - Cait Sith
Age - Unknown
Date of Birth - Unknown
Height - 3'2"
Blood Type - Unknown
Job - Fortune Teller
Birthplace - Unknown
Weapon - Megaphone
Limits - Level 1 - Dice. Level 2 - Slots.
Cait joins the party in Gold Saucer at the Wonder Square after telling
Cloud his 'Fortune'.
He's very unpredictable, from his unusual limit break, to his secret
agenda, which is not revealed til late in Disk One.
Cait Sith, (supposedly translating as some sort of 'cat' in Scottish)
is a black cat, riding on a magically enlarged Mog, dealing damage
with a Mega Phone.
Cait is quite powerful, but his Limits could be anything from an
excellent attack, to your whole party being KO'd!

Name - Cid Highwind
Age - 32
Date of Birth - February 22nd
Height - 5'8"
Blood Type - B
Job - Pilot, Train driver etc...
Hometown - Rocket Town?
Weapon - Spear
Limits - Level 1 - Boost Jump, Dynamite. Level 2
- Hyper Jump, Dragon. Level 3 - Dragon Dive, Big Brawl. Level
Cid joins the party after Cloud tries to steal his Tiny Bronco to
escape from Rocket Town. But after everything that Cid has been forced
to give up, he will not relinquish his beloved plane, so he comes
with the Tiny Bronco and joins your party. Cid's definitely the rough
type, with his extreme use of strong language and his love of cigars.
He also has a passion for all types of transport, and was once destined
to be the first man in space, and everything was going perfectly,
untill his assistant, Shera, put her life in danger to make sure the
Rocket would launch safely. Cid was torn between a woman and his dream,
but in the end he could not become a murderer and his dream was cancelled.
Trustworthy, powerful, fierce and very cool, Cid's the perfect party
member, he even has some fantastic Limit Breaks to boot.
Secret Characters

Name - Yuffie Kisaragi
Age - 16
Date of Birth - November 20th
Height - 5'2"
Blood Type - A
Job - Materia Hunter
Hometown - Wutai
Weapon - Boomerang
Limits - Level 1 - Greased Lightning, Clear Tranquil.
Level 2 - Land Scaper, Bloodfest. Level 3 - Gauntlet,
Doom of the Living. Level 4 - ALL CREATION.
You find Yuffie travelling around forests, looking for the perfect
opportunity to steal Materia!
Young, tough, athletic and obsessed with Materia, Yuffie is a vital
member of your group, however you have to watch out for her,
she's always on the lookout for your Materia!
Her hometown, Wutai, was at war with Shinra many years ago, but the
once heroic people of Wutai, surrendered to the powerful armies of
Shinra. And Yuffie is fighting with all her strength
to free Wutai from their clutches, but her father thinks otherwise.
Yuffie saw him as a coward letting Shinra control Wutai so easily,
so she left her hometown and now travels the world in search for powerful
Materia to protect her home.
Yuffie is a good fighter for her age, with some awesome Limits. She
also has various Long Ranged weapons for some long distance damage!
Finding Yuffie
If you explore the forests North-East of Junon, then you might bump
into a optional character, Yuffie.
Once you find her, you will have to fight her. She is not hard,
but afterwards you have to talk to her carefully, otherwise she
will take some of your GIL and run away.
So you'll have to find her all over again.
After the battle you'll find yourself in a large field, (weird, considering
you were in a forest a moment ago...) and to prevent Yuffie from running
away, here are some clues as to what you you say to her...
1. Avoid picking options that result in viewing a different screen,
i.e. the Main Menu.
2. Be nice, and patronise her a bit.
3. Try not to waste time viewing other options or details.
Still not got the hang of it? Here's exactly what you need to reply
to her if you're stuck on this one...
Yuffie will ask you to fight again,
Reply, Not interested.
Talk to her again and Yuffie will think that you are scared of
Reply, ...Petrified.
Yuffie will say that she is going to leave,
Reply, Wait a second!
Yuffie feels that you want her to join your party,
Reply, ...That's right.
Yuffie will ask if you want to know her name,
But Reply, ...Let's hurry on.
If you try to use the Save Point to the North, or select the wrong
answer, Yuffie will run away and steal around 500 GIL from you.
Then you have to re-find, re-fight her, then go through the same conversation
again, that is, if you want her to join your party.
If you have done this correctly, you will be able to name her, after
having left the field without her running away.
Note: Later on in the game, (if you have Yuffie) if you go to Wutai,
then you will get to play a side quest, have a look at our walkthrough
for more information.

Name - Vincent Valentine
Age - 27
Date of Birth - October 13th
Height - 6' 0"
Blood Type - A
Job - Ex-Turk
Hometown - Unknown
Weapon - Gun
Limits - Level 1 - Galian Beast. Level 2 - Death
Gigas. Level 3 - Hellmasker. Level 4 - CHAOS.
Vincent's background is very mysterious, and little is known about
him, except for the experiments he was used in, resulting in his powerful
skills, albeit slightly mutated.
He's more of the intelligent silent type, rarely speaking, but what
he does have to say is usually of great importance.
Vincent joins the party after being found sleeping in a coffin in
the Basement of the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim, he reluctantly joins
your party after hearing that Cloud is searching for Sephiroth and
possibly Hojo. Vincent has a tragic history involving Sephiroth and
the Professor, Hojo, and has his own reasons for seeking them both
out. He wishes for a very personal revenge, after he lost someone
he loved dearly.
Vincent is a Long Ranged fighter with some extreme attacks, but they're
nothing compared to his incredible Limits!
Finding Vincent
Head over to the Shinra Mansion at Nibelheim, (you come here in late
Disc One, but if you missed it then you can still go back later anyway)
and once inside, go left into a room. There's a letter on the floor.
Pick it up and it'll give you clues to find the code for a safe...
Here's where to find the clues, codes, and what to do with them:
Clue (#1) Behind the ivories short of tea and ray - Go through door
on the left, (just above the room where you found the letter) and
you will find a room with a piano. You can play on it,
but the keys for "Te" and "Re" aren't working!
So look behind the piano, (press
around the area) and Cloud will find the first code! Code: Right 36.
Clue (#2) The lid of the box with the most oxygen - Return to the
main hall. Go upstairs and turn left. You'll find a treasure chest
in a green-house-type room.
Open the treasure chest and you will get an Enemy Launcher (a weapon
for Barret). Search the chest again and you will get your second code!
Code: Left 10.
Clue (#3) The creak in the floor near the chair on the second floor...
then to the left five steps, up nine steps, left two steps, and up
six steps (?) - From the main hall, go up the stairs, and go right.
Near the Secret Entrance to the basement (you have been there in Cloud's
past), search the chair near the bed, you'll hear a creak and Cloud
will shake his head. So, press left for 5 of Cloud's steps, then up
for 9 steps, left 2 steps, and up 6 steps. This should take you down
the corridor outside the room.
You'll be somewhere at the end of the corridor outside the room with
the chair. Press
for the third Code! Code: Right 59.
Clue (#4) What! No clue?! - Read the letter again until you are given
the options to read the clues.
Scroll the cursor down to Clue 3, but don't select! Instead go down
once more to find a fourth option in invisible ink! Select it, and
get the last code! Code: Right 97.
So, now you have:
Right 36
Left 10
Right 59
Right 97
But what do they mean?
Go upstairs, then take a left. Warning! Boss coming up! Get yourself
Go to the room above you, and go to the safe at the back.
Press when
you're next to it, Cloud will have a bad feeling about the safe....
You'll have 20 seconds to do the code. Here's how:
When the timer comes up, another box with 00 in it pops up as well,
it's the number that is currently on the safe door.
So, remember the code? Good. Press right, until the number says
36, STOP! Another number more and you have to start all over again.
When you reach 36 successfully, press .
Then quickly press left to get to number 10, STOP! Press .
Then press right until you reach 59, STOP! Press .
Last one! Go right again, until you get to 97, STOP! Quickly press
before the
time runs out!
If you make a mistake, just wait for the time to run out, and you
can try again.
If you do it, then the safe opens, a red Summon Materia pops out and
lands behind you, and a 'successful' box comes up. When you press
to get rid of the box,
the Boss, Lost number fights you!
Check the Walkthrough, Secrets or the Boss Guide for the strategy
to defeating this Boss.
After the fight, go to the Safe, press to get the key, and pick
up the red Odin Summon Materia behind you.
Exit the room, and go right, all the way to the Secret Entrance,
down the stairs, through the long cave, and into the library.
You'll find Sephiroth in there... He throws a green Destruct Materia
at you, and tells you to go North, then disappears.... Make sure you
pick up the Materia before you go!
Exit the room, and go up to find a purple door, you'll find the
key from the Safe fits.....
Go inside, and examine the coffin, the lid will fly off, and you'll
meet Vincent Valentine for the first time!
You start talking, when you have options to speak, talk about Sephiroth.
He will shut his coffin on you.
Talk to him again. When you get an option to speak, select Who are
you? The name screen will come up, when you have picked his name,
(or kept it as it was)
he will shut his coffin again.
Exit the room, and head out of the Mansion, Vincent will come out
and ask if you will meet Hojo along the way.
Cloud says they will probably meet him, and Vincent joins you!
Name - Sephiroth
Age - Unknown
Date of Birth - Unknown
Height - 6' 1"
Blood Type - Unknown
Job - Top ranking SOLDIER Officer
Hometown - Unknown
Weapon - Masamune
The mysterious mercenary who supposedly died five years ago has returned
once more to become the planet's greatest nemesis.
Sephiroth used to be the best of the best in Shinra's forces, he quickly
worked through the Soldier ranks, making the highest rank and was
selected for the more difficult missions.
Then one day five years ago he found out a devastating secret from
his past which completely overwhelmed him, causing him to destroy
Cloud's hometown, Nibelheim, in his fury.
From that day onwards he suddenly disappeared and was never seen again,
but recent sightings of him all over the world suggest otherwise.
Admired and feared by all who see him, he is a selfish, intelligent
yet almost insane man who has a phenomenal power that he uses almost
carelessly. But his true self is searching for a power so great, that
it could destroy the very planet...
Click on an image and it will take you to that Character's

By FFFreak.