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Name - Yuna
Age - 19
Hometown - Bevelle - Besaid Island
Default Dress Sphere - Gunner
Special Dress Sphere - Floral Fallal
Weapon - Dual Machina Guns
Japanese Voice - Mayuko Aoki
English Voice - Hedy Burress
The two words that come to mind when we think of Yuna are strong
and determined. Throughout FFX and FFX-2 these traits never waver,
but there were others that did. In FFX Yuna was a much more reserved
person. She was shy but very passionate when something she believed
in was threatened. This made her a very strong individual.
Now, two years later in FFX-2 her personality has altered somewhat.
She is a much more "out-there" person from her personality
to her clothing and though she is more outgoing and optimistic without
the weight of a summoner's duty on her shoulders, deep in her heart
she is in sorrow for those she has lost.
Despite all these changes however, she remains an independant, kind
and loving person. She always has the ability to bring out the best
in everyone no matter how hopeless they seem. All in all, Yuna is
a great heroine in a wonderful story. She symbolizes the person
we all aspire to be: strong, kind, and determined. She shows us
that we can overcome the obstacles in our path, and that all we
need is a little faith in ourselves. Though we may change over time,
her character also shows us that it's possible to hold on to who
we are.
After spending a peaceful two years on Besaid Island, Yuna is desperate
for some action. So when Rikku invites her to join her Sphere Hunter
group, the Gullwings, Yuna can't pass on the opportunity. Together
with Rikku and the new recruit, Paine, they travel Spira in search
of rare spheres until they find an old sphere of him. With
this sphere, new hope and purpose is given to Yuna who eagerly searches
for the man she loves.

Name - Rikku
Age - 17
Hometown - Al Bhed Home
Default Dress Sphere - Thief
Special Dress Sphere - Machina Maw
Weapon - Dual Daggers
Japanese Voice - Marika Matsumoto
English Voice - Tara Strong
Rikku, (who is also Yunas cousin) is an upbeat, spirited girl
with a altruistic heart. She takes it upon herself to cheer everyone
up and always finds a way to make everyone smile even when times are
extremely tough. In addition to that, Rikku is good at taking a situation
and looking at it from a different perspective. In FFX she became
one of Yunas guardians on her pilgrimage to defeat Sin. During
this time, she also befriended Yuna, who she looks out for.
Now in FFX-2, Rikku is no different than she was two years ago. Though
her outfit might be completely contradictory to her personality, shes
the same girl through and through. Her part in the story of FFX-2
starts when she decides to take Yuna from her dreary life in Besaid
and help her on the quest to find him. Rikku has always been
beside Yuna and this journey is no different. Through thick and thin,
Rikku personifies a true friend and takes loyalty to a completely
new level. |

Name - Paine
Age - 18
Hometown - Unknown
Default Dress Sphere - Warrior
Special Dress Sphere - Full Throttle
Weapon - One-handed Sword
Japanese Voice - Megumi Toyoguchi
English Voice - Gwendoline Yeo
Paine seems like an enigmatic, hollow and almost soulless person when
we first meet her in FFX-2. She joined the Gullwings shortly before
Yuna, yet her true intentions remain a mystery. The only sure thing
we know about Paine is that she is a true warrior, through and through.
Her past and her reasons for becoming a sphere hunter are kept to
herself. Through their journey, she always has Yuna and Rikkus
back with the ability to eliminate almost every opponent.
Paine thinks of Yuna as a level headed person who needs to try and
be a more self-centered individual. Her thoughts of Rikku are that
of an annoying little sister. As her friendships grow stronger, so
does her desire to break out of the unrelenting shell that she has
built around herself. Who is she and what is she searching for?
Her secret past intertwines with her newfound comrades when old acquaintances
are found and answers long sought for are finally revealed... |
Non-Playable Characters

Name - ??? (Shuyin)
Age - Unknown
Weapon - Unknown
Japanese Voice - Masakazu Morita
English Voice - James Arnold Taylor
This mysterious man is whom Yuna believes might be him, and
not without cause. He looks, sounds, and behaves like Yuna's lost
love. There's only one catch--the sphere she found this man in happens
to be 1000 years old. Nonetheless, Yuna decides that there is still
hope that she may find what she has been looking for. Her quest is
centered around who this man might be. What is his purpose? Is it
really him? Yuna is determined to find out...
The man himself appears to have a connection with the Yuna, though
this could be more because of his lover, Lenne, who has strong similarities
with Braska's daughter. He was always by Lenne's side during the hopeless
war between Bevelle and Zanarkand, but their struggle was in vain
as the two were abruptly torn apart forever.

Name - Lenne
Age - Unknown
Dress Sphere - Songstress
Weapon - None
Japanese Voice - Koda Kumi
English Voice - Cree Summer
1000 years ago, Lenne was a huge celebrity in Zanarkand. Not only
was she a gifted singer and performer, but she also had the ability
to Summon the Aeons. This, however, caused her to be forced onto the
front lines in the war between Bevelle and Zanarkand. Sadly, she knew
that the war was futile and Zanarkand would be crushed beneath Bevelle's
superior forces. Yet, with the certainty of destruction, she fought
for her people. Lenne and her lover's struggle to be together during
the hopeless war ended abruptly as the two were torn apart forever.
Now, 1000 years later, Yuna has obtained Lenne's old dressphere, the
Songstress, which results in a number of unlikely events. Through
all the confusion, Yuna can feel the presence of Lenne and her lover.
But soon, Yuna will find out that there is more to their tale and
her own involvement than she first thought...

Name - Nooj
Age - 21
Weapon - Machina Gun
Leader of - Youth League
Japanese Voice - Nobutoshi Kanna
English Voice - George Newbern
Not much is known about Nooj in the beginning of FFX-2. Though it
is obvious that he is the powerful leader of the Youth League, a group
whose main purpose is to learn about the history of Spira by finding
long forgotten spheres from the past. He also has a charismatic charm
that, in the beginning, draws attention away from the past that he
so desperately hides.
Through all the secrets, one thing is known for sure--Nooj is much
more than meets the eye. He is a seasoned veteran who has clearly
earned the trust and loyalty of his followers. He is, through and
through, a hero to the Youth League and a mystery to many others.
A mystery Yuna, Rikku and Paine, are set on uncovering.

Name - Baralai
Age - 20
Weapon - Dual-edged Staff
Leader of - New Yevon
Japanese Voice - Sobu Kenji
English Voice - Joshua Gomez
Baralai, Praetor of New Yevon, seems to be a very quiet and soft spoken
individual when we first encounter him in the game. He exudes intelligence
and wisdom and always has his hands full with keeping New Yevon from
falling to pieces. Looking past the façade, we realize that
there is much more to Baralai than we first thought. He is very devoted
to what he believes in, especially when it concerns New Yevon and
will do anything to protect what he holds dear. But how far will he
go to protect a secret that is more lethal than anyone ever expected?

Name - Gippal
Age - 18
Weapon - Machina Gun
Leader of - Machine Faction
Japanese Voice - Kenichi Suzumura
English Voice - Rick Gomez
Gippal, leader of the Machine Faction, is very much like Rikku in
the sense that he is very outgoing and full of humor. The one thing
that is noticeable about him is his ability to take a tricky situation
and make it seem as if he has everything under control, which he usually
does. Hes always up for cracking a joke and is, by far, the
most charming and flirtatious character in FFX-2.
He seems to have a special interest in Paine, but that doesnt
stop him from trying to woo Rikku and Yuna throughout the game. Yet,
behind all the charisma and charm lies a secret that intertwines the
fates of all

Name - Le Blanc
Age - Unknown
Weapon - Spiked Fan
Japanese Voice - Unknown
English Voice - Masasa
Le Blanc, leader of the Le Blanc Syndicate, is a woman of many traits.
She is primarily set on her goal of making her true love
completely happy, which includes hunting rare spheres for him. In
most cases, though, she ends up following Yuna, Rikku, and Paine who
are sure to come upon spheres that are full of unique and priceless
information in the hope of stealing their loot.
Another favorite pastime of Le Blancs is being a very annoying
individual to anyone and everyone she encounters and she despises
helping others. Unless there is something in it for her of course.
Through all of this, she plays an important part in Yunas journey
and there is far more to her than she lets on.

Name - Ormi
Age - Unknown
Weapon - Fists
Japanese Voice - Unknown
English Voice - Sarge
Ormi is one of Le Blancs recruits. Though he seems like a very
dangerous opponent at the beginning, he is actually a very emotional
person. He follows Le Blancs every whim without question and
becomes very upset when things dont go his way. The thing is,
when Ormi and co. are at a disadvantage, he falls apart and cries
and/or sulks instead of solving the problem at hand. Yet, he still
manages to be helpful to Le Blanc by being exceptionally strong with
an impenetrable defense.

Name - Logos
Age - Unknown
Weapon - Gun
Japanese Voice - Unknown
English Voice - S. Scott Bullock
Logos is another one of Le Blancs recruits who, like Ormi, follows
her every order without question. While Ormi may have the strength,
Logos has the brainpower, which compensates for Ormi's lack of it.
He is not afraid to get his hands dirty in sticky situations, which
makes him a formidable opponent. All in all, Logos is very devoted
to his leader and will do anything to please her.
All character profiles/descriptions by Kelly Brantley.
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