Name - Squall Leonhart
Age - 17
Date of Birth - August 23rd
Height - 5' 8"
Blood Type - AB
Job - Balamb Garden Student
Weapon - Gunblade
Limit - Renzokuken
Even though he is the main character, Squall is a very quiet and
reserved person, who doesn't speak his mind or express much emotion.
Squall's attitude towards others is cold--he shuts his friends out
so he can be spared pain when they let him down or disappear forever.
Despite his mentality, his friends stand by him and slowly coax
some of his feelings into the open throughout the game.
Squall is a powerful warrior with a state-of-the-art weapon; a gunblade.
His most common phrase is 'whatever' which suits his personality
His past is very vague and only small fractions of his story is
revealed through sudden flashbacks. The cause of his lack of memory
is unknown, all he can do is hope to regain his memories in his
new friends.

Name - Quistis Trepe
Age - 18
Date of Birth - October 4th
Height - 5' 6"
Blood Type - A
Job - Balamb Garden Instructor
Weapon - Chain Whip
Limit - Blue Magic
Quistis is an instructor for Balamb Garden and teaches Squall, Seifer
and the other Balamb students.
She has a talent for understanding the problems of others, even
the closed Squall, who Quistis can read like a book. When it comes
to her own feelings, however, she fails to figure them out.
Quistis is a very strict instructor, not only with her pupils, but
with herself, for she cannot face failure. This makes her a fierce
and ambitious fighter, but her specialty is magic by far.
She is very intelligent and mature, but enjoys a childish joke every
now and then.

Name - Zell Dincht
Age - 17
Date of Birth - March 17th
Height - 5' 5"
Blood Type - B
Job - Balamb Garden Student
Weapon - Gloves
Limit - Duel
Zell is a very up-beat and hyper-active person, who frequently causes
fights over a harmless argument because of his short temper.
He always likes to be the center of attention in the middle of all
the action--missing out is not an option for him.
Zell is quite the trouble-maker and won't back down from a fight
but he will stay low if Squall tells him to, as Squall is one of
the few people that Zell respects.
Name - Selphie Tilmitt
Age - 17
Date of Birth - July 16th
Height - 5' 1.5"
Blood Type - B
Job - Trabia / Balamb Garden Student
Weapon - Nunchaku
Limit - Slot
Selphie has a very spirited and happy-go-lucky attitude. She is
very optimistic, innocent and often acts in very childish manner
but she can be very serious when she needs to be.
Although not the most powerful of fighters, Selphie battles enthusiastically
and will do anything for her friends.
Being very likeable, Selphie has lots of friends who she cares for
equally. Selphie has a good sense of right from wrong and always
stands for justice.
Name - Rinoa Heartilly
Age - 17
Date of Birth - March 3rd
Height - 5' 3.5"
Blood Type - B
Job - Member of the Timber Owls Resistance Squad
Weapon - Blaster Edge
Limit - Combine (Angelo)
Rinoa is a passionate young girl with a love for animals. She is
usually calm and collected, but sometimes her emotions get the better
of her and she acts spontaneously without thinking things through.
She speaks her mind and is very honest. Rinoa is in many ways, the
opposite of Squall. The saying 'opposites attract' fits very well
into her relationship with Squall and she soon finds a way to crack
his hard exterior and find the real Squall.
Rinoa isn't a strong fighter so she can be very vulnerable at times
but her battle skills are there in other ways.

Name - Irvine Kinneas
Age - 17
Date of Birth - November 24th
Height - 6' 0"
Blood Type - A
Job - Galbadia Garden Sharp Shooter
Weapon - Gun
Limit - Shot
Irvine is an expert with a sniper, which quickly makes him the most
professional Sharp Shooter of Galbadia Garden. He has a soft spot
for the ladies and flirts all the time, but his cool personality
is a clever facade because he can't face the stress in a real battle
situation. In the heat of a fight he can break down completely when
his reputation and nerves get the better of him.
He is very laid-back and sensitive gentleman with a great sense
of humour and a lot of confidence.
Irvine may seem like he doesn't care one way or another but he desperately
seeks respect from others who don't seem to notice him.
Name - Laguna Loire
Age - 27
Date of Birth - January 3rd
Height - 5' 9"
Blood Type - B
Job - Galbadian Soldier / Journalist
Weapon - Machine Gun
Limit - Desperado
Laguna is a spirited young man with a kind heart. He is a soldier
in the Galbadian Army, however his true calling is to become a Journalist
and travel the world.
He is a rather clumsy at times and incredibly shy but once he gets
talking he can't seem to stop. He'll do almost anything to help
someone in need and stands up for the little guy.
Laguna plays a vital part in the game but strangely enough doesn't
appear in person. Instead he's introduced through bizarre visions--
this could only mean trouble.
Name - Kiros Seagill
Age - 23
Date of Birth - July 6th
Height - 6' 4"
Blood Type - O
Job - Galbadian Soldier
Weapon - Katal
Limit - Blood Pain
Kiros is a close friend of Laguna and Ward, partly because they
all fought together in the same squad while working for the Galbadian
He tends to look at situations seriously and thinks things through
carefully before taking action. He'll always stick with his friends
though, even if they're running blindly into a big problem.
Kiros is a stealthy warrior who prefers to fight with technique
and skill rather than sheer strength.

Name - Ward Zabac
Age - 17
Date of Birth - February 25th
Height - 7' 0"
Blood Type - A
Job - Galbadian Soldier / Janitor
Weapon - Harpoon
Limit - Massive Anchor
Ward is a close friend of Kiros and Laguna, partly because they
all fought together in the same squad while working for the Galbadian
Despite Ward's intimidating size and strength he is really a kind
and friendly guy with a good sense of humour. He likes to make fun
of Laguna when the latter messes things up, but he doesn't mean
it in a cruel way.
He wields a great monstrosity of a Harpoon as a weapon, which should
cause all who see him to flee immediately but would be an easy win,
so it doesn't.
Ward also has a great big scar down the left side of his face, what
from is unknown but he probably got it from his time in the Galbadian

Name - Seifer Almasy
Age - 18
Date of Birth - December 22nd
Height - 6' 2"
Blood Type - O
Job - Balamb Garden Student / Sorceress' Knight
Weapon - Gunblade
Limit - Fire Cross
Seifer has been Squall's arch rival since they first met years ago.
He has a strong determination, fierce fighting abilities and can
be somewhat arrogant. He is also extremely impatient and believes
himself to be better than anyone else. Unfortunately for him, he
lacks what it takes to become a SeeD because he makes rash decisions
without considering the consequences.
Seifer has a "romantic dream" to become the Sorceress'
Knight but doing so will cost him much more than just loyalty and

Name - Raijin
Job - Balamb Garden Student / Seifer's 'Lackey'
Along with Fujin, Raijin follows Seifer everywhere, protecting him,
following orders and in other words fooling himself into thinking
he's Seifer's friend but clearly the latter doesn't really want
anything to do with them and just lets them hang around as 'lackeys'.
Raijin is a rough guy and not the smartest of students but has that
sensitive side that comes out now and again. His favourite phrase
is 'Ya know?'. Raijin stands by Seifer through thick or thin but
eventually all things must come to an end.
Name - Fuujin
Job - Balamb Garden Student / Seifer's 'Lackey'
Along with Raijin, Fuujin follows Seifer everywhere, protecting
him, following orders and in other words fooling herself into thinking
she's Seifer's friend but clearly the latter doesn't really want
anything to do with them and just lets them hang around as 'lackeys'.
Fuujin talks very little and the only times she does speak is to
shout in one word sentences like; "CAUTION!".
She is a tough fighter with great skill in using magic. Fuujin stands
by Seifer through thick or thin but eventually all things must come
to an end.
Name - Cid Kramer
Job - Balamb Garden Headmaster
Cid is a cheerful old man who is headmaster at Balamb Garden. He
only wants what is best for the students, however in the hurry to
build Garden and start SeeD, Cid agreed with one of the 'Shumi'
tribe to finance the project. This proves to be a mistake later
on when the Shumi rebel...
Cid is very friendly and is liked throughout the whole Garden.
Name - Edea
Job - Sorceress
Limit - Ice Strike
Edea is an extremely powerful Sorceress who is just beginning to
gain power in the Galbadian government. Although Edea's past is
an enigma wrapped in a mytsery and nobody really knows what her
intentions are, Balamb and Galbadia Gardens have been commissioned
to assassinate the sorceress.
The reason for her death sentence is unsure--it is certainly a risk
to give political power to a fierce wielder of dark magic but is
she really there to take over the world..?
By FFFreak.