Name - Zidane Tribal
Gender - Male
Age - 16
Class - Thief
Weapon - Dagger
Description - Zidane Tribal is a kind and vibrant thief with a
carefree attitude, he is mainly guided by impulse and is always ready
to help those in need. His main goal is to live life to the full.
Zidane also has an eye for the ladies, that including Princess Garnet
and with his good looks and charm he seems to be successful.
Zidane is a member of the Tantalus Theatre Troupe. He is a good choice
for a leader as he has a good sense of justice and does not forget about
the people that need him. He is also a good fighter with his weapon being
the dagger, which he usually equips two of. He can also handle a dual
blade thiefs sword. His special abilities are skill and steal; and
his trance ability which allows him to use his dyne attack. With certain
abilities he can inflict a maximum of 9999 Damage.
His Thought: "You dont need a reason to help people."

Name - Garnet Til Alexandros 17th, A.K.A. Dagger
Gender - Female
Age - 16
Class - Summoner
Weapon - Rod
Description - Garnet Til Alexandros 17th is heir to the throne
of Alexandria and daughter of Queen Brahne. She is a spirited young woman
who is determined to escape from Alexandria and Queen Brahne to find out
about her obscured past. Garnet is also kind and willing to help people
in need, as she anxiously longs to be a queen of her people some day.
She gradually builds a friendship with Zidane as they journey together,
though it's obvious that they like each other much more then that.
She adopts the (Default) name Dagger as a disguise after seeing Zidanes
weapon, the daggers. Her weapon is a racket or rod, she is a determined
strong fighter with her abilities being summon and white magic, while
in trance she can summon an powerful Eidolon.
Her Thought: "Someday I will be queen but I will always be myself".

Name - Adelbert Steiner
Gender - Male
Age - 33
Class - Knight
Weapon - Sword
Description - Adelbert Steiner is an honorable and honest man who
has sworn to protect Princess Garnet with his life. He can appear to be
over patronizing at first but he becomes a nicer person as he gradually
falls in love with Beatrix and he realizes there are more things in life
then the Knights of Pluto, although it is hard for him to admit so at
Steiner is Captain of the Knights of Pluto which are the guards that protect
Queen Brahne and Alexandria.
His weapon is a mighty sword and with the impenetrable defense of heavy
armor, he is an invaluable ally. His special abilities are Sword Arts,
which help him to learn various skills and magic which he can use with
his sword. He can also use Sword Magic, which allows you to infuse Vivi's
powerful spells with his sword for big damage, note that this ability
can only be used when you have Vivi in the same party. When in Trance,
Steiners attacks cause three times their normal damage.
His Thought: "Having sworn fealty must I spend my life in servitude?"

Name - Vivi Ornitier
Gender - Male
Age - 9
Class - Mage
Weapon - Mage Staff
Description - Vivi Ornitier is the little guy of the party and
is very unsure of himself, even though he holds more power then all his
friends put together, he is unaware of it. He struggles to make sense
of his existence but with the help of Zidane and the gang he becomes more
confident and decides to help the possessed Black Mages; the soulless
beings mysteriously like himself.
His weapon is black magic and the enhancing skill focus. These are his
special abilities, and are incredibly powerful for such a small guy. When
in Trance, Vivi can use Double Black Magic, which is basically the ability
to cast any two black magic spells in one go.
His Thought: "How do you prove that you exist? Maybe we dont

Name - Freya Crescent
Gender - Female
Age - 21
Class - Dragon Knight
Weapon - Spear
Description - Freya Crescent is a strong willed Burmecian with
a tortured soul, however she is also a mother figure to her friends. She's
travelled the world, looking for her long lost love, who has since been
reported missing long ago.
She is a Red Dragon Knight who strives to protect her hometown of Burmecia
in which she was born and raised.
Freya is an excellent fighter with her weapons being lances and spears,
her special ability is dragon and jump, her jump ability makes her leap
high up in to the air and perform high powered Spear attacks after an
certain amount of time. Her dragon ability allows her to learn various
offensive and defensive skills. In Trance her jump ability allows her
to perform a showering spear attack.
Her Thought: "To be forgotten is worse then death."

Name - Eiko Carol
Gender - Female
Age - 6
Class - White Summoner
Weapon - Flute
Description - Eiko Carol is a spirited, energetic, unusually wise
and powerful inhabitant of Madain Sari. She is quite childish at times
but with her age it is understandable. She is also very lonely because
her only friends for miles around are the moogles who live in her hometown
. They care for Eiko as one of their own, but they are no replacement
for people of her own kind.
Eiko is a powerful summoner and her special abilities, like Garnet, are
white magic and summon. While in Trance she can use Double White Magic,
which is the ability to cast any two white magic spells at once.
Her Thought: "I dont wanna be alone anymore

Name - Quina Quen
Gender - N/A
Age - N/A
Class - Chef
Weapon - Fork
Description - Quina Quen is a friendly fellow but sometimes gets
her/himself into trouble, especially if food is involved, as Quina is
obsessed about anything edible. Quina's favourite dish is frogs, s/he
is also a member of the Qu clan who live in Qu Marshes all around the
world. Sometimes referred to as a 'gourmet' or 'gourmand', due to her/his
gluttonous tendencies.
Quina's weapon is a fork but s/he is better using her/his special abilities;
eat and blue magic. S/he can eat enemies when they have low enough HP
and can learn their blue magic but note that not every enemy has blue
magic. In Trance the enemies only need half of their HP eliminated for
Quina to eat them whole with her/his Cook ability.
Her/His Thought: "I do what I want! You have problem?"

Name - Amarant Coral
Gender - Male
Age - 26
Class - Ninja
Weapon - Knuckle
Description - Amarant Coral is a fierce lone warrior who prefers
to fight on his own. He is very enigmatic and doesn't tell the others
in the group about who he is and what he feels, unless it's absolutely
necessary. He always settles problems with his fists--not words.
He is a strong fighter with his weapon being claws or knuckles. He can
become the best attacker on the battle field when equipped correctly;
his special abilities are flair and throw. In Trance his Flair skill can
be used on all the party to cure HP, MP and revive KO'd members.
His Thought: "The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty."

Name - Thorn
Gender - Male
Age - ?
Occupation - Jester
Weapon - Magic
Description - A ruthless criminal, Thorn works directly for Queen
Brahne, her every whim being his duty. He uses powerful magic such as
Light Flare and plays a part in the creation of the Black Mages. He is
never seen away from his partner in crime, Zorn. Both of them have an
unusual way of speaking and the ability to summon fierce enemies to do
their bidding.
Thorn follows his master or mistress so blindly, he does not question
his actions or realise that he has simply become a slave--a puppet.

Name - Zorn
Gender - Male
Age - ?
Occupation - Jester
Weapon - Magic
Description - A ruthless criminal, Zorn works directly for Queen
Brahne, her every whim being his duty. He uses powerful magic such as
Meteorite, and plays a part in the creation of the Black Mages. He is
never seen away from his partner in crime, Thorn. Both of them having
an unusual way of speaking and the ability to summon fierce enemies to
do their bidding.
Zorn follows his master or mistress so blindly, he does not question his
actions or realise that he has simply become a slave--a puppet.

Name - Beatrix
Gender - Female
Age - 33
Class - General?
Weapon - Sword
Description - Beatrix is the highly skilled general of the Alexandrian
army, working exclusively for Queen Brahne. Her history with Steiner goes
back many years, and they have both been fierce rivals since they first
met. Beatrix is renowned throughout Gaia for her superior strength and
skill with a blade--her power having no equal.
She leads many of Queen Brahne's high piority tasks, resulting in her
having to confront Zidane on several occasions. But after a successful
mission in Cleyra, she begins to doubt her Queen and her actions when
the Princess is in danger. In the end, she must decide where her loyalties
An excellent swordswoman, Beatrix can use devastating Seiken skills with
her 'Save the Queen' blade, such as Shock, Climhazzard and a large array
of white magic.

Name - Kuja
Gender - Male
Age - 24
Class - Sorcerer?
Weapon - Magic
Description - An enigmatic, young and unusually feminine man, Kuja
is an omnipotent sorcerer, with his own selfish desires driving him to
corrupt and destroy the world of Gaia.
He came from a distant continent, and has numerous Eidolons at his disposal.
He came to Queen Brahne years ago, and she hired him to destroy the ruling
powers of the Mist Continent for her own greed. Although it could have
been Kuja's own power and charm that gradually forced Queen Brahne to
overule the rest of the world after the King died.
Kuja rides a huge silver dragon, which carries him great distances over
Gaia. He has the tendency to appear at the brink of destruction and destroy
anything and everything that's left.
He will go to any length to achieve his unknown desires, which makes him
a mysterious and formidable foe.
Descriptions By Chewy.
Zorn, Thorn, Beatrix and Kuja by FFFreak.