Avatar Shrine Avatar Characters Index Sokka

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Sokka Avatar Character Profile
Name Sokka
Age 15
Gender Male
Hometown South Pole (Southern Water Tribe)
Occupation None
Bending Element None (fights with Machete, Boomerang and Sword)
Episode Debut The Boy in the Iceberg
Voice Actor Jack De Sena
Sokka is Katara's crazy older brother and one of Aang's best friends. Sokka and his sister freed Aang from the iceberg that he had been trapped in for one-hundred years and has since been traveling with Aang to thwart the Fire Nation's reign of terror.
Sokka has a true hatred of the Fire Nation and anyone associated with them because his mother was killed during a Fire Nation raid on his village which forced all of the men in village, including his and Katara's father, to set out for war against the Fire Nation.
Sokka usually doesn't think before he speaks, is very reckless, and is almost always thinking of food; however, Aang couldn't ask for a better comrade. Whenever there is a problem you can bet that Sokka will be there to lend a hand…or he may be the cause of the trouble.

Written by KagePhoenix.
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