Avatar Shrine Avatar: The Last Airbender Story

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Title: Avatar: The Last Airbender, also known as Avatar: The Legend of Aang in several countries including the UK
Creators: Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko
Running Time: 23 minutes approx. (One episode)
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Fantasy
Country of Origin: United States
Aired On Channel: Nickelodeon
Series Run: 21 February 2005 - Present
No. of Episodes: 40 aired of 60 (in production)
Our Rating: 9/10

First Season:
Book One: Water - contains the first 20 chapters (episodes) aired 21 February 2005
Second Season: Book Two: Earth - contains the second 20 chapters (episodes) aired on 17 March 2006
Third Season: Book Three: Air? - Coming soon in 2007...


Avatar: The Last Airbender, (also known as Avatar: The Legend of Aang) is an increasingly popular American TV animation, co-created and executively produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko and first broadcasted on Nickelodeon on 21 February 2005, it is many Asian influences, including anime, (Studio Ghibli's and Hayao Miyazaki's works in particular) martial arts and elemental magic, and follows the story of a twelve-year-old boy named Aang who is the last in a long line of 'Avatars'. These powerful beings are master of all elements and are vital in the world's ever shifting balance.
However, just before the great war with the Fire Nation when his people needed him most, Aang vanished from the world for many years, trapped in a huge block of ice with his faithful flying bison, Appa. The series starts one hundred years after this event when two young siblings called Katara and Sokka from the Water Tribe find Aang and release him from his icy prison. Soon after they find out his true identity as the Avatar who betrayed the world a century ago and decide to join him in his quest to stop the Fire Nation and restore the world's balance.

The animation of Avatar: The Last Airbender is strongly based on Japanese anime, and is sometimes mistaken for it. This is understandable though, as the series is such a blend of American cartoons and Japanese anime that it can hardly be called either.
Originally intended for a young audience, Avatar: The Last Airbender, sometimes thought of as "childish" is in reality an amusing tale of wonderful characters, beautiful animation and edge-of-your-seat action. The series' immense popularity has spawned forty episodes over two seasons and Nickelodeon are already planning season three to air in America in 2007.


" Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang, and although his Airbending skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone.
But I believe, Aang can save the world."

- Katara's Introduction to Avatar

Our story begins with a twelve-year-old Airbender named Aang. He is the last in a long lines of 'Avatars', these powerful beings are master of all elements and are vital in the world's ever shifting balance. Trapped inside a huge boulder of ice for a hundred years with only his flying bison, Appa, for company, Aang is rescued by two siblings of the Water Tribe, a young Waterbender named Katara and her older brother Sokka who had lost their mother to the Fire Nation. They soon find out Aang's identity as the new Avatar and the circumstances in which he was imprisoned in the iceberg a century ago.

When the Fire Nation attacked a hundred years ago the other nations fell beneath their power and any who opposed were slaughtered. Without the Avatar to maintain the world's balance, the Fire Nation soon acquired dominance and any resistance were scattered and forced into hiding.
After a troubled visit to his old home, the Air Temple, Aang desides to face his destiny as the Avatar and stop the Fire Nation at all costs, but to do so, he must master all four elements. But close behind them is the banished prince, Zuko, and his uncle, Iroh. Both are skilled Firebenders, albeit outcasts from their own country. Their goal is to capture the Avatar and hand him over to the Fire Lord who seeks to destroy the Avatar before Aang puts a stop to his cruelty.

Along his journey, Aang befriends a lemur from the Air Temple who he names Momo, an Earthbender king named Boomi from Omashu and many more. However, he makes more enemies then friends when the Firebender general Zhao and the Fire Nation's princess, Azula, (sister to Zuko) attempt to capture the Avatar before each other.

The war continues and the people are suffering, it's all up to Aang now to perform his duty as the Avatar and save the world, but time is quickly running out as a danger rapidly approaches and with every passing day the Fie Nation approach their ultimate goal. Aang must master the elements and with his friends, restore balance before it is too late...

Review By Amber

Plot - 9/10
Animation - 9/10
Voice Actors - 9/10
Music - 8/10
Replay - 7/10
Overall - 9/10

Plot - 9/10

The story starts with a twelve-year-old boy named Aang who is the last in a long line of 'Avatars'. These powerful beings are master of all elements and are vital in the world's ever shifting balance.
However, just before the great war with the Fire Nation when his people needed him most, Aang vanished from the world for many years, trapped in a huge block of ice with his faithful flying bison, Appa. The series starts one hundred years after this event when two young siblings called Katara and Sokka from the Water Tribe find Aang and release him from his icy prison. Soon after they find out his true identity as the Avatar who betrayed the world a century ago and decide to join him in his quest to stop the Fire Nation and restore the world's balance.

The plot is told at a steady but gripping pace, with a balanced amount of action, adventure and comedy. Their are a good few twists and some wonderful ideas, such as the animals which are all half of two different creatures, such as 'Wolf Bats' and 'Elephant Koi' and the inspiring 'bending' art which allows gifted people to 'bend' their certain element.
The introduction of the 'Spirit World' and the 'Avatar State' bring in more levels of interest and depth to the story and the characters, such as Iroh and Zuko, are developed so vividly they come alive on screen.
There's much more to come though, and hopefully this tale will be unravelled some more in the upcoming seasons.

Animation - 9/10

The animation is simply beautiful. Dramatic landscapes and intricate cities bring such depth to the visual experience and the characters are drawn in a refreshing, clean and crisp anime style. Overexaggerated expressions really add to the characters and jokes, while the action and battles are dynamic and exciting.
A few areas of the series is made in CGI, (such as complex locks on the inner Air Temple) which is blended with the surrounding art extremely well.
No detail is missed in in this amazing example of American "anime" and I certainly hope it continues to amaze. A round of applause and a pat on the back to all the animators out there.

Voice Actors - 9/10

For once here is a great show with great acting. It's wonderful to see such amazing actors as Dante Basco, Jason Isaacs and Mako, who sadly passed away 21 July 2006, a truly incredible actor who will sorely be missed.
The casting is excellent, all of the voices suit their respective characters and bring them to life. The script also is quite a high standard.

Music - 8/10

The music is fantastic, a perfect song for a perfect situation. Although some pieces aren't very memorable, it certainly fits with each scene. The most memorbale would definitely be the main theme which plays at the beginning and end of the show, it has a great eastern sound which suits the other eastern influences of the series brilliantly.

Replay - 7/10

Although it's certainly worth viewing a second or third time to pick up extra plot details, the jokes are never as funny the second time 'round. Nevertheless, don't let it put you off, you don't know what you may have missed.

- 9/10

Overall I think the co-creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender definitely have something here. It's got action, comedy, romance, great animation and a unique story. Let's hope that Nickelodeon let them continue this wonderful show.

- Written by Amber

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