Avatar Shrine Affiliation

The button size for Affiliation must be 88 x 31 pixels. Our buttons are located at the bottom of this page.
A link for Affiliates will appear on every page of Avatar Shrine, simply by clicking on 'Affiliates' on the drop-down navigation.

Requirements for Affiliation

1. Your site must be Avatar or Nickelodeon related and can't be a Forum only site etc...
2. Your site must not contain any porn, inappropriate pictures, adult XXX or hentai XXX!
3. Your website must have a decent layout with easy navigation.
4. Your website must not contain any stolen content or images of any kind.
5. You must not have any red X pictures or broken links or stolen Fanart.
6. You must update your website at least once or twice a week. We don't want to Affiliate with inactive sites.
7. You must be a friendly Webmaster/Webmistress and give us support when we need it.
8. You must use proper grammar and have as few typos as possible on your site.
9. You must put our button on a visable place on every page of your site and we'll do the same.
10. You must have a proper host, no MSN sites, Geocities, Hostultra, Tripod etc.. We can make exceptions though.
11. Your site musn't have over 1 popup. We can't stand them!
12. We have the right to remove your button at any time for any reason'.
13. No harsh swearing.

We currently don't have any requirements for amount of content or unique hits.

If your site fits these requirements, then please fill out the form below with your Username or Name, E-Mail, Site Name, Site URL and Site Description. Thanks.

If you wish to use a button to link to Avatar Shrine, then please do so by using one of the images below.
Remember that 'hotlinking' is prohibited, so you'll have to upload the images yourself.

Avatar Shrine

Avatar Shrine

Avatar Shrine

Name or Username*


Site Name*

Site URL*

Average Unique Hits per Day


Site Description*


Fields marked with an asterix (*) are mandatory and must be filled before proceeding.
We will reply to all E-mails, so if you don't get a reply within 1-2 weeks, please send the application again. Thanks.

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